Public Service Workshops Program (PSWP): Enhancing Professional Development for New York State Employees

The Public Service Workshops Program (PSWP) is a comprehensive professional development initiative designed to support the career growth and skill enhancement of New York State employees. It is specifically tailored for employees represented by the Public Employees Federation (PEF) and those in Management/Confidential (M/C) positions.

Overview of PSWP

Public Service Workshops Program
Public Service Workshops Program

PSWP offers a wide range of workshops and training sessions that cater to various professional needs. These workshops cover seven major occupational groups, including Accounting & Auditing, Education & Research, Engineering, Health Care, Information Technology, Law/Criminal Justice, and Social Work & Counseling. The program aims to maintain and enhance the professional competencies of employees, preparing them for future promotional opportunities.

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Eligibility and Enrollment

All PEF-represented and M/C employees are eligible to participate in PSWP workshops. Enrollment is typically on a first-come, first-served basis, and many workshops do not have prerequisites, making them accessible to a broad range of employees. Registration for these workshops can be done through the Statewide Learning Management System (SLMS), an online portal where employees can also track their learning progress.

Workshop Delivery Methods

PSWP employs diverse delivery methods to accommodate different learning preferences and operational needs. These include:

  • Classroom training
  • Online courses
  • Videoconference workshops
  • CD-ROM training

Cost and Accessibility

The cost of attending PSWP workshops is covered under the PEF collective bargaining agreement and M/C funds, ensuring that employees do not incur any fees. Additionally, all workshop sites are accessible to individuals with disabilities, and reasonable accommodations are made to ensure inclusive participation.


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Professional Development and Reimbursement Programs

PSWP also offers various reimbursement programs, such as:

  • College Tuition Reimbursement (CTR)
  • Nurses’ Enhanced College Tuition Reimbursement (NECTR)
  • Workshop and Seminar Reimbursement (WSR)
  • Certification and Licensure Exam Fee Reimbursement (CLEFR)

These programs help employees cover the costs associated with further education and professional certification, encouraging continuous learning and development.

Contact Information

For more information or to register for a workshop, employees can contact the PSWP office:


The Public Service Workshops Program is a vital resource for New York State employees, providing them with the tools and opportunities needed to advance their careers and improve their professional skills. By participating in PSWP workshops, employees can stay current with industry trends, enhance their job performance, and prepare for future career advancements.

For detailed information on upcoming workshops and registration, visit the PSWP website​ (Office of Employee Relations)​​ (Office of Employee Relations)​​ (Office of Employee Relations)​​ (PSWP)​.

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