Microsoft’s Next Step: No Windows 12 Yet

Microsoft has decided not to release Windows 12 this year. Instead, they are focusing on improving Windows 11. They will introduce a new version called Windows 11 24H2 later in 2024. This update will include exciting features and performance improvements, making using your computer easier and more enjoyable.

What’s New in Windows 11 24H2?

Microsoft’s 24H2 update for Windows 11 will bring several new features and enhancements:

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1.AI Features:

  • Microsoft is integrating more artificial intelligence (AI) into Windows 11.
  • These AI features will help users with tasks, making the computer more intuitive and user-friendly.

2. Windows Copilot:

  • A new AI assistant called Windows Copilot is being introduced.
  • Windows Copilot will have its dedicated button on some keyboards.
  • It aims to assist users with various tasks, making computing more efficient and fun.

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3. Performance Improvements:

  • The 24H2 update will optimize Windows 11 to work better with the latest computer chips.
  • This includes chips from leading manufacturers like Intel, AMD, and

Why Is Microsoft Not Releasing Windows 12?

A significant number of people still use Windows 10. So introducing Windows 12 now could divide the user base, making it harder for users and developers to keep up with the multiple versions. Also, Microsoft has undergone internal changes. They are prioritizing the enhancement of Windows 11 before moving on to a completely new version.

Future Plans for Windows 12

While Windows 12 is not being released this year, it is still in the plans for the future. Here’s what we can expect. It is possible that Microsoft might announce Windows 12 in mid-2024. Also, Windows 12 could be released late in 2024. This will depend on the progress of the development and the success of the 24H2 update.

Key Dates to Remember

Here are some important dates to keep in mind regarding Windows updates:

Event Date
Windows 11 24H2 ReleaseSeptember/October 2024
Windows 10 Support endsOctober 14, 2025
Possible Windows 12 AnnouncementMid-2024
Possible Windows 12 Release Late 2024


Microsoft is enhancing Windows 11 with the 24H2 update, which includes new AI features and a performance boost. The latest Windows Copilot assistant will help users manage tasks more efficiently. Although there is no Windows 12 this year, it may be announced and released by the end of 2024. Users can now look forward to the improved features and performance in the upcoming Windows 11 update.

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