How to Learn Web Development in 4 Steps?

Computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee, 68, published the first website ever on August 6, 1991. According to Google, as a mobile web page’s load time reaches 10 seconds, the probability of its visitors bouncing (i.e., leaving the site) increases by 123%. It turns out, it’s usually not their WiFi connection’s fault.

That’s the domain of a web developer. A good one can write code, develop and test new apps and websites, iterate on features, monitor site traffic, ensure the website isn’t bogged down with elements, and, above all else, solve problems people don’t even know they had.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of web developers in the U.S. is expected to increase by 16% by 2032, much faster than the national average of 3% across all professions. This indicates a high demand for skilled web developers in the coming years.

Sounds complex, right? Agoric CEO Dean Tribble thinks it’s actually pretty clear cut: “At the end of the day, computers and websites are designed to be predictable. They only do things that we tell them to do.”

For him, the biggest part of becoming a web developer and getting paid the big bucks—somewhere between $73,000 and $119,000 per year on average, according to Glassdoor—is learning to tell the computer what to do.

How to Learn Web Development in 4 Steps?

This roadmap outlines each step in becoming a web developer, from knowing nothing to having projects you can show future employers and clients.

How to learn web development in 4 steps

Step 1: Research which aspect of web development interests you the most

A web developer’s curiosity is the fuel that keeps them motivated. Your initial spark should be exploring and researching websites you like, in order to understand what makes them tick.

Tribble advises that you should learn how the internet, computers, data structures, and algorithms all work together. Then, decide which piece of the internet interests you the most. There are three web development specializations:

  • Front-end developer: This role involves positioning images, designing the navigation, and determining the site’s overall presentation. The focus is on ensuring that the site or application is easy to navigate, making it a good fit for those with a creative eye and a passion for user experience.
  • Back-end developer: Responsible for building and maintaining the mechanisms that process data and perform actions on websites. The focus is on data storage, security, and server-side functions, making it a good fit for people who love computers and problem-solving.
  • Full-stack developer: Responsible for building a website’s front-end and back-end. This role is for people who love it all, including function and feng shui.

“It’s fine to begin with learning just one aspect of web development,” says Front-End and Web Practice Lead at Coherent Solutions, Vladimir Yurkevich.

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Step 2: Learn the three main web development programming languages

No matter which side of development you’re looking to learn, you’ll typically need to know three languages: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These are the foundational languages of web development.

Think of it like you’re building a house. HTML is the framework, CSS adds visual appeal, and JavaScript furnishes it with functionality. But, there are different frameworks for JavaScript, like React, Angular, and Nodejs. Both experts agree it’s best to find resources to help you master the primary language rather than its derivatives.

Step 3: Start building small projects, then increase the complexity

Now that you have a solid foundational knowledge of the programming skills needed to grow as a developer, it’s time to start building actual projects.

The learning curve in web development is less of a one-time hurdle and more of a constant stream of lulls and highs. Yurkevich refers to this as a learning ‘spiral,’ where you revisit and deepen your understanding of concepts as you progress, leading to a continuous upward trajectory in your learning journey.

Step 4: Build a web development portfolio that showcases your skills

Your portfolio is a game of show, not tell. Like in most industries, hiring managers and potential clients would rather have proof that you can do the job over a paper degree.

That said, our experts encourage people to earn certifications and attend school, but you can 100% build a professional portfolio without spending all that money. There are some things to consider when putting your portfolio together.


If you can’t picture yourself as an early-years Bill Gates or as a still-in-Harvard Mark Zuckerberg, don’t worry. The spiral is about taking small steps and having a learner’s mindset.

“The biggest thing that the most successful people in this field have in common is that they built their careers doing something they love to do,” says Yurkevich.

If you’re still unsure where a career in web development can take you, Fortune sought the ten most in-demand jobs in the field.

Stay tuned to our website Gripe Web for more updates.

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